Meet Us IRL: Fhenix Q1/24 Events & Conferences

Fhenix is pioneering a new era in computing where privacy and security are foundational elements for all. Core to this is forming meaningful relationships and sharing insights with industry leaders, aspiring developers, and the blockchain community alike.

In Q1 2024, we’re actively participating in key events, aligning with a significant milestone: the launch of our public testnet.

These events have been carefully chosen to showcase our advancements and engage with the tech community, as we shape a secure, private digital future. Stay tuned for more on these exciting developments.

Penn Blockchain Week: February 23-24

Penn Blockchain Week is one of the leading academic blockchain events. It includes speakers from various top-tier DeFi projects such as Eclipse, Berachain, and Gauntlet, as well as VC firms such as Bain Capital, Portal Ventures, and Union Square Ventures.

Learn more about Penn Blockchain Week.

ETH Denver: February 23 – March 6

Fhenix will be either hosting or attending four different ETHDenver events:

  • DeFi Day: Organized by Dystopia Labs, this February 26th event will showcase talks from various DeFi projects, including Fhenix. More information shortly.
  • Private Research Dinner: On February 27th we will be hosting a private research dinner for encryption leaders. More information shortly.
  • Encryption Day: On February 28th we are bringing together the top minds in the encryption space, including the Founders of Fhenix, Zama, Arbitrum, EigenLayer, and Bankless, as well as researchers from Flashbots, Starkware, and more. Click here to register.
  • ETHDenver Hackathon: Renowned for incubating top Ethereum projects, this hackathon stands out as a highlight of the year. Learn more here.

ETHGlobal London: March 15-17

ETHGlobal events are worldwide and focused on fostering a global Ethereum community, with speeches, hackathons, workshops, and more.

Learn more about ETHGlobal.

ETHSeoul: March 29-31

This annual event in Seoul, Korea is known to attract leading Ethereum researchers, developers, and community members from the APAC region.

Learn more about ETHSeoul.


The events outlined for Q1 2024 are just the beginning of our extensive roadmap for the year. Our active participation in these events highlights Fhenix’s steadfast dedication to spearheading a new era in computing, where privacy and security are integral from the outset.

Our engagement with industry pioneers, forward-thinking developers, and the expansive blockchain community is a strategic effort to propel the industry forward. Through these interactions, we aim not only to contribute to the current dialogue but also to cultivate an environment ripe for innovation and built on a foundation of trust.

This is our commitment as we navigate and shape the future of technology.

Visit our website to learn more, and stay connected with us via both Twitter and Discord.

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