
Onchain confidentiality powered by the first FHE L2 Rollup

The holy grail of cryptography

FHE is a cutting-edge encryption scheme that enables the computation of encrypted data without ever needing to decrypt it.

That means you can use FHE to build fully confidential, end-to-end encrypted smart contracts, unlocking a whole new design space for blockchain applications.

Leveraging FHE to bring encryption onchain

Countless new possibilities for Ethereum applications. From confidential voting, to anonymous auctions, trustless gaming, decentralized identity, to private social networks, and more.


With Fhenix, your imagination is the only limit.

Developer first design

Quick, easy implementation

Fhenix's flexible architecture is scheme agnostic, allowing it to adapt to the ever-evolving field of cryptography.

Fully EVM-compatible

Add private fields, texts, and numbers in Solidity no additional languages required.

Familiar dev tooling

Compatible with Hardhat, Remix, and many other tools that native Solidity developers are familiar with.

Flexible, modular design

Fhenix's flexible architecture is scheme agnostic, allowing it to adapt to the ever-evolving field of cryptography.

Fhenix Roadmap

Q2.24 : Helium Testnet launch

- Release initial version of the testnet
- Enable FHE for confidential onchain computation

Q3.24 : Nitrogen Testnet v2 release

- Focus on performance optimization
- Integrate token bridge functionality

Q4.24 : Gallium threshold network launch

- Enable better management of decryption requests
- Improve the PK decentralization

Q1.25 : Gold mainnet launch

- Launch Fhenix mainnet

Q2.25 : Radium FHE Coprocessor

- Offer confidential computing services for the EVM ecosystem
- Integrate with various FHE schemes

Latest news


Fhenix is the first confidential L2 powered by fully homomorphic encryption. Fhenix enables Ethereum developers to seamlessly build encrypted smart contracts and perform encrypted computation of data, all while using Solidity and other familiar, easy-to-use tools.

FHE coprocessors are a companion processor designed to offload encrypted computational tasks from a host chain – whether it’s Ethereum, an L2, or an L3, to a designated processor living outside the scope of the host. They drastically improve the efficiency of FHE-based operations, while maintaining the same level of security as the host chain.

FHE offers developers a superior technology for securing private data and performing encrypted computation which enables a wide array of new and highly necessary use cases in Web3. Fhenix’s modular design facilitates the seamless integration of FHE / encrypted computation across all blockchain layers and allows for the easy deployment of confidential smart contracts.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a math based encryption scheme that facilitates computations on encrypted data without the need for decryption. This enables deployment of confidential smart contracts, ensuring that transaction inputs and states stay encrypted throughout the entire computation process, or in other words- end-to-end encryption for Web3 based applications.

No. Zk proofs allows verifications only which support scalability better, but don’t facilitate encrypted computation due the inability to combine private data from multiple parties. In this sense, ZK is more relevant for scalability with some degree of security, where FHE allows for higher levels of data security coupled with unprecedented use cases supported by its ‘holistic’ encryption features, like private onchain auctions.

Data encryption is the last remaining problem to solve in public blockchains, such as Ethereum. By utilizing Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) technology for confidential smart contracts, we’re able to offer exceptional levels of data security and pave the way for unprecedented use cases in blockchain and AI.

By leveraging cutting edge Fully Homomorphic Encryption technology, Fhenix enables confidentiality in Smart Contracts. Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) facilitates computations on encrypted data without the need for decryption! FHE offers the potential to enable confidential smart contracts, ensuring that transaction inputs and states stay encrypted throughout the entire computation process.

Yes, Fhenix is a L2 rollup on Ethereum focused on confidentiality.

Yes, Fhenix offers full support for Solidity.Â